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Selectmen's Minutes - October 25, 1994
             Selectmen's Meeting - October 25, 1994

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also attending:
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I. Opening: Chair Frisoli called meeting to order at 7:40pm to
sign the warrant and bills.  

II. State Election Warrant: Chair Frisoli read the State Election
Warrant listing the date and hours (November 8th from 7AM to 8PM)
noting each ballot candidates and questions.  

III. Dispatchers' Contract: Judi Hatch appeared on behalf of the
members of the Dispatchers Union  for the Board's review and
signing consideration of the Union contract ending June 30, 1995.
The contract was for a 4% raise effective July 1, 1994; contract
benefit includes a payment in lieu of a meal break for each shift
worked.  Motion 10/25/94.1: move to enter Executive Session with
Dispatcher steward under #3 exception for Collective Bargaining
and resume Open session.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn. ROLL CALL VOTE: Murdoch: Aye; Flynn: Aye; Frisoli: Aye;
Kuchinski: Aye.  Entered Executive Session at 7:45pm.

At 8:50pm re-entered Open Session.  Murdoch and Kuchinski
reviewed the major points of the negotiations and noted other
housekeeping items were also corrected.   Motion 10/25/94.2: move
to sign the contract with the Dispatchers Union as negotiated.
Motion made by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

IV. Action Requests:  (1) Appointment - Alternative Sewerage
Study Committee: Kuchinski reminded Board of Town Meeting vote
establishing this committee and volunteered to be designee from
Selectmen. Motion 10/25/94.3: move to appoint Selectman Kuchinski
to the Alternative Sewerage Study Committee established by Town
Meeting. Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
(2) Route 58: Nugent reported he has scheduled a meeting for this
Thursday morning with Willy McCabe, the Commissioner's trouble-
shooter and Skip McCourt and Dick Harris, High Surveyor to review
the punch list and general project progress.  Nugent had no
answer yet on the diminishing value of the contractor's bond.
Nugent did report that Todesca currently owes the Town $4-6,000
on police details.

V. W-H Regional School Committee - Request for Town Meeting:
School Committee Chair Dr. Carl Kowalski and member Peter Muise
appeared before the Board to request the Selectmen to set a date
for a Special Town Meeting.  Also present were members of the
Finance Committee: Sutter, Wyman and McGovern.  Kowalski noted
the School Committee's vote on October 12th to request each Town
to set a Special Town Meeting to discuss and vote upon the issue
of a new High School which would also require a Special Election
within 45 days.  Muise noted that the Warrant article would have
several questions inter-related: to vote the money needed
including permission for the Region to borrow 1.9 million dollars
immediately to pay for architectural plans and to amend the
existing agreement to allow busing of students to a regional
middle school.  It is an all or nothing approach.  The approval
at Town Meeting and then the Special Election would allow
architects to begin the plans by February for submittal to the
state by the June 1, 1994 deadline.  Frisoli noted that more
information is needed on the effect(s) on the tax rate; cash flow
for the Town; effect(s) on various Town departments - Finance,
water, fire, police; and a clear explanation of all terminology.
Muise requested Board allow Nugent to set up a general meeting
for the School Committee to make a general presentation to the
Town departments.  The Board was informed that the formal Needs
Assessment by DOE to be held October 27th.  Kuchinski requested
figures for the cost of calling a Town Meeting - Special Town
Meeting - $700 and Special Election $3,300.  Funding source would
be the Reserve Fund.     Motion 10/25/94.4: move that the Board
of Selectmen call a Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, December
7, 1994 at 7:30pm at the W-H Regional High School Auditorium to
hear and make decision on the proposed Regional School Building
program with said meeting called contingent upon receiving
funding.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.   Frisoli noted fine work done on the video presentation.  Chair requested Nugent forward a funding request to the Finance Committee immediately.

VI. December 7, 1994 Special Town Meeting Warrant: the one issue
is expected to be subject of meeting.  Motion 10/25/94.5: move
that the Board of Selectmen close the December 7, 1994 Special
Town Meeting Warrant at the November 15, 1994 meeting.   Motion
made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  Town
Clerk Sandra Harris noted that the Board of Selectmen could, if
the vote is successful, call the Special Election for a date
certain at the close of the Town Meeting on December 7, 1994.  To
meet the Region's 60 day window requirement for borrowing, the
Special Election may be called for January 7, 1995.

VII. Holiday Season Liquor Store Openings:  The State ABCC has
forwarded a notice regarding liquor store openings.   Motion
10/25/94.6: move to allow Liquor Stores to be opened in the Town
of Hanson on Sundays beginning and including November 20, 1994
through December 18, 1994.that the Board of Selectmen close the
December 7, 1994 Special Town Meeting Warrant at the November 15,
1994 meeting.   Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

VIII.  Minutes:  Motion 10/25/94.7: move to approve minutes for
August 29, 1994; September 12, 1994; September 13, 1994 September
14, 1994; September 27, 1994; Executive Session for September 27,
1994; October 3, 1994 and October 11, 1994.  Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.  Then upon
request by Frisoli the Board allowed discussion for minor
corrections to the minutes: At the September 14, 1994 meeting at
W-H, Charles Flynn should be listed as having attended but
arriving late; and the starting time for the September 27, 1994
meeting corrected to 7:30pm.  Motion 10/25/94.8: move the Board
approve the minutes as corrected.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Flynn.    Motion carried 4-0.  At Chair's request the
September 29, 1994 Executive Session minutes were held for his
IX. Appointment - Capital Improvement Committee:  Nugent apprised
the members that a resident trained as a CPA is requesting to be
appointed. Motion 10/25/94.9: move to appoint Richard Fopiano,
Jr. of 98 Winter Terrace to the Capital Improvement Committee for
a term to expire on June 30, 1996. Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  

Selectman Kuchinski excused herself at 8:45pm to attend a meeting
upstairs on personal business hopeful to return as quickly as
possible to the selectmen's meeting.

X. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Rockland Landfill: a tentative
meeting with George Crombie, Regional DEP Director has been set
for November 15, 1994; (2) State Ethics Commission presentation:
a public meeting has been arranged for December 1, 1994 for all
interested in learning more about the Conflict of Interest law.
(3) Report - Open Meeting Law seminar: Nugent noted last
Thursday, October 20, 1994 meeting was attended by department
heads and out of town officials.  Executive sessions and what
constitutes a meeting was discussed by District O'Malley's staff.
The DA wishes to be progressive and not punitive when unknowing
violations occur.  (4) Permitting Procedures: Building Inspector
submitted report on the permitting procedures committee's
recommendations on proposed and final plans.  Nugent noted a
quote from Stenbeck & Taylor for $125.00 per application was
received.  This cost will be passed on to the applicant.  The
firm will review all aspects noted by the committee.  (5) FinCom
memo to Water Commissioners: Nugent read this 10/19/94 memo
relating to water supplies requesting specific procedures to
incorporate in their future plans. Motion 10/25/94.10: move to
vote for Selectmen to concur and support the FinCom
recommendations as written in the October 19, 1994 memo from
FinCom to Water Commissioners.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Flynn.    Motion carried 3-0.     (6) Budget Tracking:
Police - positive variance $17,107; Highway - positive variance
$12,657; Town Hall - positive variance $24,179; Fire - negative
variance of $9,154.  Concerns reiterated about fire deficit.
Frisoli's question to Nugent "is it your opinion the FinCom cut
contractual obligations, as stated by the Chief, during the
budgetary process?" Answer - no.  Frisoli's request to Nugent to
have FinCom chair and Fire Chief agree on what was cut.   (note:
Kuchinski returned to the meeting at 9:10pm.)  (7) Joint - Double
Poles issue: Nugent reported response to rejection of joint pole
requests.  The new Eastern Utilities representative met with
Nugent to explain the process of preparing work schedule to
remove double poles.   Nugent recommends no action for agreement
of joint pole approval until a schedule is put forth to the Town.
Kuchinski requested that Nugent arrange a joint presentation to
the Board by the three companies involved once a schedule has
been forwarded.   (8) Town Hall Holiday Schedule: Clerical Union
noted the days to be taken for contractual holidays for Veterans'
Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years'.  Discussion ensued
as to what was done in previous years with tax bills due; shall
Town Hall be open with non-union personnel. Motion 10/25/94.11:
move to have non-union management personnel follow the clerical
union holiday schedule as outlined (Town Hall closed). Motion
made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.    Motion carried 4-0.
XI. Announcements: (1) South Shore Votech Meeting: the Selectmen
Chair of the 8 member towns to meet to vote on whom will
represent the Selectmen on the school's negotiating team.
Frisoli unable to attend the meeting and asked for another member
available.  Murdoch and Kuchinski unable; Flynn to check on
rearranging his schedule.  Nugent to check availability of Tom
Gavin, the town's rep. on the school committee.   (2) 175th
Committee: next meeting is October 26th.  (3) November Board
meetings: set for November 8, 15 and 29th.

XII. Adjournment. Motion 10/25/94.12: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned at